Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Ce:] Haunted House

      I read this article about a charity Halloween event that over 100 women put together to raise money. Last year, they raised just about $90,000. The Candle Lighters are about to start their 42nd season with a Haunted Hotel. However, this year they are having to pay for 24-hour security because vandals destroyed part of the grounds. But they will be opening this year regardless.
     Well, that sucks. I feel bad for them because, they are putting together a huge event to entertain people of all ages, as well as give the money to charity because its a fundraiser for nonprofits. And here these guys go, vandalizing the place. I think it's kind of rude.

      This reminds me of one night the past summer. I was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The place kind of reminds me of Santa Cruz, in that its right along the beach and there's a boardwalk. There's a "strip" that has tons of stores, mostly selling "Myrtle Beach" merchandise, and every night the street is packed with people driving up and down in these really badass cars. There's a lot of old muscle cars, and then new cars also. Lots of fixed up Mustangs. Its awesome.
      Anyways, my point is, is that there's a "Haunted House" near the town that I saw. I thought it was going to be pretty fun, and a little scary, right? Because that's what I'm used to seeing here on the West Coast. Well I forgot that do things a lot differently in the South. Needless to say, my sister and I got tickets.
      We had to take this rickety old service elevator up to the third floor..It kept dropping on the way up. We finally got off, and started walking. It was PITCH black and I was in front, thanks to my sister. So I'm walking down this dark hallway, holding onto the walls so we don't run into anything. We turned the corner, and entered a room that had all these bags hanging from the ceiling, that had bodies in them, dripping with blood. Nasty.
     After that, another long dark hallway, tripping over things on the ground. Then we went into what I guess was the dining room. It was a big room that had barely any light, with spider webs and stuff everywhere (the typical "haunted" room), except no one was there. We stood there looking around for a few minutes and then I felt something touch my back. I thought it was my sister, so I laugh and turn around, and there's people surrounding my sister and I. The person who touched my back was a really life-like clown, and let me tell you, I hate clowns. He had a chainsaw, a real one, in his hands. I scream for my dear life and start sprinting. Haha, so scared that I started crying. He was fucking chasing me! I ended up walking onto a balcony where he's still behind me. I can't even describe how terrified I was.
      The chainsaw clown fellow disappeared, and so my sister and I started running down the hallways to get out of this place. We kept passing little scenes of creepy shit. Like, a dude getting an autopsy, someone getting electrocuted. Yaknow, stuff like that. We end up running into a creepy guy and he told us that if we beat him to the first floor, we got to leave. But if he beat us there, we had to do the whole thing over again. I was still scared to death, so I'm sprinting down the halls. All I remember after that point, was that my sister and I made it back outside before him. We ran so far away from the building.
      Wow, it doesn't sound so bad when I'm retelling the story. I assure you, it was fucking terrifying. But all I can do now is to laugh about it.

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