Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Free:] College?

      I was always so excited to get to the point where I could start applying to colleges because it meant that I get to choose what I want, not what my parents wanted of me. In my situation, my father allows me to apply to wherever I want and I get to choose which one that I'm finally going to go to. Cool, right? I've been independent and making my own decisions for a while, but this is something big.
     Where I go to college could affect the rest of my life. And I really didn't realize how...annoying...the application process was. I've gotten to applications to the state schools done so far. But I'm still working on the UC apps. I was almost finished the other night, and I forgot about the essay/personal statement. I did write it, but both of the pieces that I wrote are so crappy that I'm going  to need to do a lot of work to get it presentable to show them. I just don't have time these days to focus of college applications.
     I really want to go to UC Davis. I've been motivated to go there for a while. I was talking to the counselor about going there and she insinutated that I shouldn't apply because apparently I'm not good enough to get in. Yeah its true that I haven't taken any AP classes and I don't have any of those awards and crap that they want, but hey, if I want to go there, I should at least try, right? There's no harm in trying. And I won't care if I don't get accepted to Davis because there are a few other places that I want to go to as well, that I have a better chance of getting in to. Who knows what is going to happen? It's worth a try. People should always at least give things a try because, hell, it might be worth it.
      I'm just excited to get the hell out of here and start something new. I don't understand how there's those people that are well into their twenties and still living here. Get out and do something.

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