Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Ce:] Texting and Driving

      What is with people these days? This article is about a freshman at Sonoma State University. While she was driving, she was texting at the same time. At that moment, Calli Murray who was 2 years old, was holding her mother's hand and leaving a park. All of the sudden, the freshman girls' Honda hit the mother and child, killing the girl and injuring the mother very badly.
       This is disgusting. Please, never text and drive. Never. Who ever is on the phone texting you, it can wait. It can wait five or ten minutes until you stop the car. It's not worth answering if you're going to kill someone! Don't get me wrong, I know how tempting it is because I drive and when my phone goes off, I admit that I want to pick it up and check. But I don't, cause that's a stupid idea. You never know when someone is going to walk into the street and it can be any moment that they do.
       The freshman, Kaitlyn Dunaway, was apparently only charged with a misdemeanor, which has a maximum of a one year sentence. What the hell is that. She killed someone and she's only getting a year? That worries me. There's another case of a woman who murdered her own child and got 10 years probation. No prison, no jail, nothing. Just probation.

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