Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Re:] Texting

Kristy posted:
"I remember when I first got texting, I would text all the time. I guess it was “fun.” But now, everyone is just annoying. I don’t know how to explain it… I guess I get irritated with people easily."
      You make a really good point, and I couldn't agree more. It was actually really fun to text people when I first got texting. I think that is the same for everyone. It was a new way of communicating that was convenient and easy. Rather than having to step aside to call someone, you can just text them, yaknow? Easy to multitask.
       But you're right. After a while, it looses its appeal. For me, at least, it's almost a nuisance. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy texting people once in a while but it's when someone messages me on a daily basis that it gets kind of old. If I'm out having fun with my friends, it's annoying to have to constantly check my phone because of people texting me. More often than not, I ignore it now. It gets on my nerves when that certain friend (or friends) will text in the morning, afternoon, and evening multiple times, and that's after the fact that I don't reply to any of them.
      I mean, if I'm in class or by myself, it doesn't bother me too much. If the person and I actually have something to talk about, then yeah, I'll text them. Or to make plans to meet up, yaknow?
      It's, I enjoy it, but I don't at the same time. Depends on my mood, I guess. I prefer just seeing people in person.
      The one thing I REALLY hate is when people confront me about shit over the phone. It's like, really? Come on, if there's a problem, act maturely and speak about it in person. I know a few people who are afraid to say something to someones face, but has no problem talking shit over the phone. It's funny.

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