Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Free:] Baby Leo

     My aunt that married into our family a few years ago just had a baby. Which is weird, cause I never thought she would have a child. Well, anyways, she did and he's now almost 4 months old.
     I was supposed to visit him in the hospital right after he was born, but I had actually just gotten out of the hospital for being sick, and yaknow, you're not supposed to be sick around any newborns because of their crappy immune system and all.
     I met him when he was about 4 or 5 days old. Maybe 7 pounds? He was TINY. I felt like he was going to break if I held him wrong. And the thing about newborns, is that they look weird. They remind me of little aliens. Their eyesight hasn't started really working well yet so they can barely see anything and they have this gazed look in their eyes. It's kind of funny, actually. All they do is scream, cry, eat (a lot), and crap. 
     Taking care of a baby is pretty simple, but very time consuming. I've been taking care of him on and off since he was born to help out my aunt. They require constant attention, which sucks.
     Anyways, in the past four months, he has grown a lot. I made him laugh for the first time ever, a few weeks ago. Before that he would just kind of smile a little, but I was holding him and while talking to my aunt, I laughed. He saw that, and mimicked me. It was so damn cute.
     And, I'm really excited, because in a few weeks my aunt and uncle are taking me down to Montery with them. They are really into scuba diving, before they had a child, they traveled around Honduras and other places to go diving. But ever since they had a baby, they haven't had the time to go. So, while they are diving in Montery, I'm going to be taking my little cousin to his first trip to the beach. It's going to be quite an experience.


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