Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Bi-Monthly] College Essay Prompt #2

     I'm very passionate about music. Every aspect of it intrigues me. The melody, harmony, tempo, dynamics, and rhythm are all concepts that I am familiar with. Because of that, I felt the need to musically express myself when I was younger. I played a few instruments over the course of my life. I started out playing rhythm with the drums. To me, drums are the basis for most kinds of music; keeping time and tempo and adding style to any music. I began playing only on my free time; taking lessons and learning where to hit to get different sounds, and what each piece in the drum set was. However, I felt that there needed to be more.
    I joined the marching band in middle school. Drums were great, but I felt I needed to try another instrument, as well. At that point, I picked up the saxophone, and immediately fell in love. I enjoy the fact that, with the saxophone, you can freely play a solo and it will usually sound good, and you can play whatever notes you want. I liked being in the band because, I got to express myself through music, as well as play arranged music with a group of people that I considered my family. We would go on trips together to perform in different venues. When the school band would have performances and fundraisers, I would volunteer to go early, stay late, as well as help the younger students trying to get a handle of the art. I did a lot of "behind-the-scenes" work, which made me appreciate the music even more.
    After middle school, I went back to a form of individual expression. I attended an event, and witnessed a woman play a song she wrote. The beautiful melody from the acoustic guitar was absolutely magnificent. Although I still played drums and saxophone, this event motivated me to pick up the guitar. I taught myself songs by reading tabs from books and websites. After I had acquired a good sense of playing songs, I started writing my own songs as well as lyrics. I would occasionally bring my guitar to friends' houses and we would play together to put together different aspects and melodies, making something new.
     This form of personal expression has helped me cope with things better. I noticed that when I am stressed, playing or writing music helps me get out what I'm feeling. I feel much more free and relaxed after I play. It is as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Being able to cope with stress as well as other emotions has allowed me to focus more on other people. Rather than being consumed by my feelings or problems, I am now able to concentrate the dilemmas that other individuals have so that I can help them. It is a great feeling, being capable of successfully helping and aiding in solving the problems that others have. This not only allows me to understand myself better, but others as well.

This wasn't written well...It sucked.

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