Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[Free:] Oh, I'm Sorry, Did I Break Your Concentration?

Honestly, I’ve never done this kind of thing before. This whole “blog” thing. I never really saw myself being the type to write in a blog for the whole word to see. But I’m willing to give it a try. I just don’t exactly know what to write about. I guess I’ve got a pretty bad case of “writers block” because I’m sitting here trying to think of something mildly interesting to say..
Well, here’s something. That essay. I don’t know about you guys, but for some reason, my mind is just not letting me write anything about it. I haven’t even gotten the slightest clue as to what to write in it. I can’t even think of words to start the damn thing. I guess I’m afraid. This IS the essay that I’m turning into universities, anyways.
I took the SAT last year, and I did decent. At least I thought it I did. I was under the impression that  I could just apply to some little state schools, get accepted, and breeze on through. Then, bam. The past few weeks, I have been flooded with emails, letters, and brochures from Universities across the country. Like, what the hell is this? Why do they want me? A group of 10+ of Universities from random places. But trust me, I KNOW that a lot of other people are getting these too, because these colleges are just recruiting everyone they can, partially to collect out of state tuition from us. But it feels nice to be recognized by all these other places. So I thought to myself, “hell..i might as well apply to a university, just for shits and giggles, and see if I get accepted.” And that’s why I’m doing this essay. Normally, I’d just say screw it, but I think that I should try this time.

            And for the longest time, I was sure that I wanted to major in business. It paves the way for a lot of jobs in my future. But at the same time, it’s really generic. Everyone these days majors in business. I want something different; I want to be recognized for something other than that. So, last year I was thinking about something I really want to learn about and it hit me. Psychology. I’m so intrigued about how the human brain functions, like what makes people act a certain way, why do people do certain things. All these things have always made me so curious. I want to get older and be able to understand people and help them out. I love helping people.

So.. I guess I know what to write in that college essay now.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I happen to be good friends with a psychologist and I can tell you that it is a forking path...For example, her specialty is in infant development for little ones with blindness or severe visual impairments. Yep, entire careers can be built on such apparently nit-picky subdivisions of the entire, vast, field of psychology. So one of the questions you'll be faced with at some point if you follow the path into this field is, JUST WHO do you want to help?

    Or, put another way, just who will your best and most effect form of help belong to?

    It's a long road. Glad you're starting out with some new and exciting inspirations for what we'll be working on.
