Thursday, September 15, 2011

[Ce:] "Deaths in Attack near Kindergarten in China"

This post is about a guy named Wang Hongbin, making a deadly assault in China on Wednesday.

"A man armed with an axe has killed a child and three adults as they made their way to a kindergarten in central China, officials say. "
Okay, so this is just shitty. Just think about it. Yaknow, you're probably on your way to work when you are dropping off your child at daycare like any other normal day, and then bam. You're dead. Or your child is dead. From that moment on, nothing is the same. And it's sad, because they probably did not do anything to deserve it, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"'According to locals, the suspect Wang Hongbin has a history of mental health illness,' the statement said"
This is a perfect example of why I'm interested in Psychology. He has apparently had a history of a mental health illness, okay that's understandable. But what about that compels him to kill people? And how is a mental illness allowed to be an excuse? That's what I want to know. I want to learn and figure out what kind of processes in the brain manage those things, and where it goes wrong to give someone those ideas and thoughts.  I wanna know why people do the things that they do, and how is it fixable. I'm sure that if he had some sort of treatment for his mental illness, those 4 people might not have died that day. But who knows, it could have still happened.

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