Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Re:] Plans for the Weekend

I read Zach's post about his plans for the weekend.

Well, it definitely seems like you have a full and exciting weekend ahead of you.
" I want to go biking with Dongho and Jose to go to Bay Farm and then go to theparks and run around and do stupid crazy things."
Biking is definitely a super fun thing to do, so kudos on that. And doing crazy stupid things is also always great to do. Have fun with that.

Well, I guess I should write about what I plan to do on the weekend, right?
    Uhm, Friday, I plan to hang out with some friends, probably look around for a party to go to, maybe have a little get-together somewhere, I don't know. I was planning on going to the Island Bowl, but I'm not so sure now that if I want to go, it really depends on my other friends and if they are going or not.  
    Saturday. My buddies always meet up and play football at the park, and I've been going recently, but I haven't really felt like playing, mostly because it's a bunch of huge guys tackling each other, and I'm tiny compared to them. I prefer to just sit back and watch. But I did promise my buddy that I would play, so depending on if he remembers that or not, I might. I'm thinking about going out of town afterwards.
    Sunday is my favorite, even though its the last day of the weekend, I love it because it's always hella chill. Sleep in, leave late, come home early and sleep more. It's the best. I usually just go get coffee and see who's around, but I'm probably going to end up watching movies at my friends house.
    I'm looking forward to sleeping, it's the best.
    I obviously have trouble making concrete plans, so I usually just wait till the morning of, and if someone calls me, then I'll go do that. I'm going to see what happens.

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