Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Ce:] Don't Ask, Don't Tell

This article/video states that the "Don't Ask, Don't tell" policy is now repealed.

        Honestly, I’m glad that they lifted “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”. It doesn't matter if you are gay, lesbian, transsexual, or whatever, as long as you do your job. If a gay man wants to be in the military, then he should be allowed to be in the military and not have to live in fear of getting caught for his secret. As long as he does his job like everyone else. He should not get treated worse or better because he has a different sexual orientation. Just like any other job that a person would apply for. 
       Don’t let your views and feelings interfere with your work, just do your job and save your opinions for another time. A homosexual man or woman in the military is not hurting anyone else, as long as they do not push their feelings on someone else. Once they interfere with other people who aren't comfortable with it, problems will arise. Same goes for straight men, if they push their views on homosexual men, problems with arise in this case, too. 
      People should be able to feel comfortable doing something that they like, and not have to be in fear of getting hurt or killed over it. Everyone should get along, regardless of how they live their life. 

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