Thursday, September 15, 2011

[Re:] "Bucket List"

This is in response to Grace's "Bucket List".
-Finish a novel
-Live abroad
-Live in Seattle
-Visit Egypt
-Learn an instrument
-Fly a plane
-Publish a novel"

First of all, nice choices! 
     -Finish a novel? So, does that mean you already started one?  In my eyes, that takes a lot of motivation, which is something that I don't have. 
     -I would LOVE to live abroad. One of my life goal's is to travel the world and see everything. I could only imagine how different it is in another country and I actually want to experience it first-hand at some point. My grandfather was an avid travel when he was alive and before he died, he would always tell me stories about the pyramids in Egypt, and the European countrysides, as well as many other things. It totally inspired me to see it all with my own eyes.
      - You want to live in Seattle? That's a good choice. For some reason, every time I think about that movie, my mind switches to 'Sleepless in Seattle' with Tom Hanks. It was a really cute movie. Anyways, the one place that I want to live is either Savannah, Georgia, or Skagway, Alaska. Two COMPLETELY different places, but equally amazing and beautiful. 
      - I agree, I'd like to visit Egypt to. I think that would be awesome. But I heard it's really hot in some areas, which sucks because I can't handle high temperatures very well. It would totally be worth it though.
      - I love instruments. Honestly, go for it. It's an amazing feeling the shit that playing music can do to a person. I used to play the drums, and guitar really well. And although I hate to admit it, I played the saxophone for 4 years, too. My favorite was the guitar. I loved it. To me, it's a really good stress reliever. But, I don't know. Ever since my mom moved away, I haven't picked up any instruments. I regret doing that, because I could have continued playing and getting better at it, but I didn't. And now, if I want to start up again, I need to re-learn everything I previously knew. 
       - So, the whole "flying a plane thing" sounds really cool. The concept of it is great and I think you should totally do that. But for me, nah. I'm staying the hell away from planes for a long time.

I think I should make my own bucket list. Maybe I'll think about it for a while and post something later. 

1 comment:

  1. You should make one! and yeah, I've started a few novels, actually. Ever heard of National Novel Writing Month? It's in November, and the goal is to write 50,000 words of a novel in a month. I did it last year, it's really fun!
