Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Free:] Just a Thought

     Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and thought to yourself, "I want to be with this person for the rest of my life"? Or shared a moment with that person, and realized that nothing in life could get better than that second in time?
     What happened to that? Nowadays, every one is getting a divorce. It makes me worry about our future generations. Is anyone going to work through the hard times, or just bail when it gets hard? Relationships are about compromise. There are supposed to be challenges and rough patches, that's what makes it all that much better in the long run. During those hard times, two people work together as one to achieve happiness, and they get stronger and learn more about each other throughout the process.
     There is no point in being with someone if you are just going to pick up and leave when it gets rough. What does that make of you? A coward. You're just scared of working through it because it's too hard and you might get hurt. Take a fucking chance and live a little! You're never going to fully enjoy life if you don't experience the bad times that come with it. Life isn't just a big rainbow, if you're going to be happy, then you're also going to have to deal with the bad times too, otherwise you're just coasting through life, not fully experiencing it's full potential. 
    Another thing that really bothers me: Cheating. Why do people feel it's necessary to cheat on their partner? You're not going to get anything good out of it. If you are in a committed relationship, why would you screw someone else? I know that being with someone for a long time leads to boredom, but it doesn't allow for someone to cheat. If you feel so strongly about seeing other people, then be mature and talk to your partner about it. It's not that hard. If your partner really cares for you, then you guys will work something out. 
    I just wish that people would be mature and talk to their significant other about their problems rather than just bailing on them and leaving them in the dust. It hurts, trust me. Most of the time, there is some kind of compromise or deal that can be worked out. But people these days just get too lazy or scared to actually work for something substantial. 
"You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give."
                                         - Eleanor Roosevelt

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