Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Ce:] French Women Fined for Breaching Veil Ban

Paris court issues its first ruling on controversial new law passed in April after parliamentary approval.
So, let me get this straight.. There was was a preceding article on this stating that:
Someone will be fined if they are "wearing the Muslim niqab or burqa in public"
Apparently wearing the veil is a symbol of "male oppression"?

Anyways, so, this article that I chose states that two women in France chose to wear the veil (which covers their whole face) and were in defiance to this new ban. They were both fined 200 euros.

     I'm positive that I am NOT the first one to say this, but this ban is not cool. They are basically taking away certain people's rights to individuality and freedom to have their own religion and culture.
   It's like French people going to a country with Muslim beliefs and them saying, "no, you're not allowed to dress the way people do in France, you have to dress differently".
   However, I sort of understand maybe why they put forth that ban. Maybe it's because since it's their country, they want anyone that lives their to follow French tradition? I'm not sure. But it sure as  hell doesn't condone that ban. At least that's how I feel.
   People are always going to have different beliefs and cultures, and I think that no matter what, they should have the freedom to express that as long as it does not impose on someone else. Like, if those women wearing those veils tried to force other women into wearing them, then that wouldn't be okay. But the thing is, is that these women aren't doing that, they aren't hurting anyone or anything by wearing those, so why have a problem? If they like it, then let them do it.

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