Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[Ce:] Scores killed in Russian plane crash

Scores killed in Russian plane crash - Europe - Al Jazeera English

So, this post really caught my eye.
Before I say anything, let me just note that I have been on 18 planes in the past year. No joke. I constantly go to visit my mother who lives on the east coast, so it's two planes there and two planes back every time. As well as the ones that her and I take together to go traveling while I'm visiting her. So needless to say, I've been on my fair share of airplanes. I've never really liked planes that much. For example, I'd stay up for a few days beforehand just to make sure that I can sleep the whole plane ride. It never really got to be a huge problem for me, but it still terrifyed me to be on a plane until this summer.
We were on the plane getting ready to take off and all the sudden I got a terrible panic attack. Which is weird for me. All I remember is being in the worst amount of fear possible and thinking that for some reason I had to get off the plane. It was crazy. I actually went up to the flight attendant and begged her to let me off the plane. But of course, I was stuck there for the next 4 or 5 hours till the layover in chicago. ANYWAYS, while on the plane, there was an abnormal amount of turbulance and the plane felt as if it was dropping straight down for a few seconds then it would go back to normal. People started getting scared, kids started crying, yaknow, that whole deal. So, it basically was a terrible experience and I'm now deathly afraid of planes.
My point is, is that, I really do not think planes are very safe. I don't like the concept of flying hella high up in the air and being stuck with a bunch of people in a small space for a few hours. And the chance of it crashing, like this? That's crazy! And it's also terrifying. There are so many things that could happen while on a plane, so why do it? I mean, these people died for shits sake. I feel bad for them. Their familes now lost someone cause of some accident. That sucks.

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