Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Free:] A's Game

     I love baseball. I've always liked watching it, and I used to play with my neighbors and friends. Of course, I would always go to an A's game. But I haven't gone to one since freshman year, I don't know why. Other things just took priority over baseball, I guess.
     I was talking to my buddy about how much I love baseball and decided that him and I should go to a game before the season is over. So, he bought tickets for last weeks game. I tried paying him back, but he wouldn't tell me how much the tickets were. It was us against the Detroit Tigers.
    Anyways, we took the bus over to Fruitvale and took BART to the Coliseum, since my dad had the car. There were tons of people there. They had this whole free t-shirt thing that if you signed up, you'd get a shirt that had the A's on the front, and Chevy on the back, which is basically my two favorite things in the world. But, I didn't end up getting one.
    So, we get to our seats, and they were pretty kickass. Right along the third baseline, which apparently are really good seats.
    The game that night was Star Wars themed. I have no clue why. But, the mascot, Stomper was dressed up as Yoda, and there were Storm Troopers walking around the aisles. It was pretty funny.
   Oh yeah, and this family got married on the field before the game! I thought it was cute, probably hella expensive to pull that shit off, though.
    There was this guy, I forgot his name, but he agreed that he would run a whole marathon during the course of the baseball game. He ran the whole time on a treadmill, I'm not sure if he made all 26-something miles, but I know that he forsure got past 20 miles. That's freaking intense.
   Some of the stadium lights went off for some reason after a few innings. And apparently, if the lights are off, they won't allow the teams to continue playing. Luckily, it wasn't too dark yet, but we had to sit there for 10 or 15 minutes while they fixed the lights.
    We ended up losing the game, but it was fun anyways. And it was fireworks night. Everyone got to go on the field and watch it, which I've never been able to do, so I had tons of fun.

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