Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[BiMonthly:] College Essay First Draft

           When I was younger, my mother was my role model. She would have a great answer to every possible question I could think of and she would understand everything. I was inspired to grow up just like her; driving to work in feminine attire with a big heavy briefcase. That's what I wanted to be. But then, I realized that, more than anything, I wanted to be able to understand and help people. I was fascinated with how the human brain works and I would wonder about how people think and understand things. Curious as to what compelled people to act a certain way and do a certain thing. I wanted to know these things in order to help people. My mothers' success inspired me to take my own path and create a successful like of my own, just as she did. 
           I loved to spend time with my friends, like any normal child. But there was one thing that I enjoyed more. More than anything, I loved to spend my afternoons and evenings in the library reading. It brought me a sense of peace and calmness. Sitting there for hours, comfortable at a table, piles of books around me, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I lived for those days. At first, I had started out reading story books, but as I got older, I became more interested in factual books. Intrigued by the human brain, I began to read books about psychology. I used what I learned from these books on my friends and it allowed me to better understand them. My eyes were open to a whole new concept.
          I want to make it my job to have a difference and change people's lives. I want the satisfaction of knowing that I have an impact on someone. That is why I would like to have a career in the field of Psychology, more directly, a Clinical Psychologist. I want to follow a career where I can enjoy myself, as well as enjoy what I am doing. To me, that is the most important thing in life. I plan to go to college and Major in Psychology so I fulfill my dreams.
        The concept of phrenology and  its expanding frontier of  new medications, information, and studies to  understand the  invisible processes dictated by the brain, thinking, emotions and imagination, is fascinating.
Getting involved through conferencing and talking to people about their thought process, emotions and imagination is a hands on profession that is progressive. I want to help people not only understand themselves but why they act the way they do, make the decisions that they make and comprehend their inner emotions.
        I want to work under the category that involves people because I like interacting with people. To me, it's a hands-on profession. Rather than working with just new medicines and drugs, I can interact with people on a personal level. I want to know what goes on in the human brain and how it can be changed.

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