Thursday, September 8, 2011

[Re:] The Road

A response to Jazmin Bravo's blog post about fears:

        To me, fear never really used to be a problem. There were quite a few things that I didn't want to do or was uncomfortable doing, but I never really considered any of it a fear. Those things were more of just an obligation than anything. I'd easily get over and realize it was never a big deal.
        Then, after a...for lack of a better term, "very uncomfortable" event, fear completely consumed every aspect of my life. I started getting really bad anxiety issues and panic attacks all the time. I had no clue how to control it. Imagine living through your worst fear, and that's basically how I would feel during a panic attack. Worst feeling ever. And it would be tied into certain things, for example seeing something that sparked a memory would make me panic.
       I started getting really tired of spending my days in fear and risking having another panic attack. Then someone very wise told me,

"You know, if you let it consume you, you'll never fix the problem. You have to be the strong one and overcome it all by your self, because you are the only person that can fix it."

       I took my friends advice, and presto! Well..not exactly "presto".. But, anyways, my fears started to slowly subside. It's a great feeling knowing that you can overcome a fear.  
       Don't get me wrong, I still occasional get panic attacks and have small fears, but it's no where near to what I dealt with before. But with what Jazmin said :

"The road to overcome a fear or insecurity may be long and difficult, but it is so worth the trip."

        I couldn't agree more with this statement. It has so much truth behind it. No matter how hard and rough the journey is, the outcome is always worth it. Always. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I've been in your place before. Stress and anxiety are tough things to overcome, that some people never overcome. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or them. Trauma can cause so many terrible things for people. It's the reason I can't drive, or talk about certain things without intense discomfort.
    There's nothing wrong with being afraid or panicking. It's really good that you're able to embrace your fear and are motivated to overcome it. I guess what I mean to say is, don't worry about being scared... there are lots of people out there like you, it's perfectly normal, and you shouldn't feel like the outlier.
